An open letter to te Nassau County Legislature
Monday, April 8, 2013 Why isn't the Nassau County Legislature Investigating improprieties and possible illegalities with Hurricane Sandy contractors????? When we first publically raised the issue of wanton tree destruction by contractors in Nassau County Preserves, we suspected that FEMA's offer to reimburse local governments for removal and replanting, was a factor. Subsequent examination by the County Comptroller revealed that contracts for tree removal and other hurricane recovery work were not properly solicited and authorized. Rather, the county administration allowed an illegal contract to be issued to a contractor who instead of scouring county roadways for trees blocking the street or threatening damage or injury, simply went into the preserves and began unnecessary and wrongful clear cutting of trees including those perfectly healthy. Welwynn, Sands Point, Muttontown, Massapequa and Mill Pond preserves were among those where the contractors ran berserk running up the numbers without accomplishing anything. The administration and parks department "saw no evil, heard no evil and spoke no evil" tacitly approving the desecration of our forests. Now, the Nassau District Attorney is looking into possible criminal intent in the issuing of permits and possible submission for millions of federal monies for this and other hurricane recovery work. In the county legislature, the "loyal opposition" is asking to conduct a full investigation of this matter and the majority is stymieing that effort. Who are they protecting? Why can't the truth come out? We are asking the Rules Committee vote to support a full and prompt investigation by the legislature and to request the County Comptroller to appear before that panel. County tax payers deserve no less. Our parks and open spaces have been under attack for years by the very county governments that swore to protect them. "Selling" county athletic fields to colleges and professional teams, raising fees beyond the reach of our neediest citizens, crowding out local sports leagues and allowing our public lands to fall into disrepair is a betrayal to every citizen in Nassau County. This is an election year and full disclosure and accountability to identify the vultures taking advantage of a natural disaster should be held to account. Bruce Piel Chairman PARCnassau
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