Does Nickerson Beach need a committee?
To provide ready access to the water, Nickerson Beach has always had "boardwalks" from the cabana, pool and playground areas to the surf. These are not fancy structures, but rather some 2'X4's with 3 or 4 foot planks nailed into them. They would sit atop the sand and make the transit to the waters edge easier. This helps Seniors and small children avoid slogging through long stretches of sand to cool off in the ocean. Over time these "boardwalks" have disapperaed due of lack of maintenance and weather damage to the point where they are virtually gone. The patrons of Nickerson Beach have asked the Nassau County Park Administration to address this issue, pick up some lumber and restore the "walks" to no avail. Finally, letters were sent to the County Executive who sent them on to the Park Commissioner. The Commissioner's reponse is one for the books. Comm. Carnel Fosky states he "will have the Carpentry Shop form a committee to study the matter and send their recomendations to the Department Of Public Works, who will form an action plan." Hello! A carpenter's committee? An action plan? Why not just have the carpenter's committee run over to the beach with some wood and nails and replace the "boardwalks"????? With a bureaucratic mindset demonstrated here, its is no wonder, Nassau is in a fiscal mess.
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