Nassau County vs. Chrisopher Morley Park
Nassau County vs.
Christopher Morley Park
For months now a small group of "NIMBYists" and
Nassau County have been trying to destroy a forested area of Christopher Morley
Park in Roslyn. What is most disturbing about this, is the lack of "due
diligence" on the part of the county administration and legislature before
making a decision that would place an industrial facility in the East side of the
park and the destruction of about 48 mature trees in an area used by Boy
Scouts, Girl Scouts and Cub scouts for camping and other outdoor activities. This
area also contains a nature trail used by hundreds of Nassau Residents to enjoy
the beauty of the forest.
How did this all start? In the end of last year, Roslyn Water Company, during a routine
water quality test, found "traces" of Freon-22 at well head #4.
Samples of the water were sent to DEC and Nassau Department of Health. It was
determine that he amounts of volatile material did not constitute any danger to
the public.
The Roslyn Water Company decide to forestall any possible concerns
by building an "Air Stripper" on their property which already contains
a water storage tank in Roslyn Estates. In essence, the Freon-22 will be
removed from the water supply and disperse into the air in benign amounts.
This solution was sent to the Bureau of Toxic Substance
Assessment of the Nassau Department of Health for evaluation. The used standards and data from the U.S. Department of
Environmental Protection and the NYS Department
of Environmental Conservation for their evaluation.
The result was, as noted in an internal letter in the Nassau County Department of Health,
dated February 21, 2014; "....Exposure
to Freon-22 in air associated with the operation of the planned treatment
system (Air Stripper) is not expected to cause adverse health effects in nearby
residents, even after a lifetime of continuous exposure".
Since there is no health justification for putting the Air Stripper
into the park, we a calling on all elected officials of Nassau County and New York State to kill this proposal NOW! Let
Roslyn Water Company place the facility on the property in Roslyn Estates or wherever, but not in a public park!!
Bruce Piel
Park Advocacy & Recreation Council of Nassau (PARCnassau)
246 Twin Lane East
Wantagh, NY 11793
Park Advocacy & Recreation Council of Nassau (PARCnassau)
246 Twin Lane East
Wantagh, NY 11793