
Park Advocacy & Recreation Council of Nassau. A coalition of 150 park advocacy and/or user groups with a combined membership of over 250,000 county residents.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Final (?) Hearing on County Budget set

As per a legal notice in today's Newsday, the county legislature will hold hearings Monday, October 18, 2010 at 10:00 AM on the proposed county budget for 2011. This will be at the legislative chamber, 1550 Franklin Avenue, MIneola. We are checking to se if here will be committee meetings on specific portions of he budget before hand. If so, we will let you know.

We have almost a month's lead time to marshall support to stop the fee increases in the parks budget. Certainly all the ball teams that will be adversely affected should make a showing and have representatives testify. Once again, emails, letters, phone calls and petitions should be generated opposing these camouflage taxes and sent to the legislators . Dog owners might want to protest the $25 dog run fee, etc. etc.

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